What is the organizational psychology definition of courage?
Courage is the ability to say and do the things you believe are right, even if it’s socially uncomfortable or seems dangerous.
For example, a courageous person might be prepared to speak up and correct his or her manager if he or she appears to be making a major mistake.
In the context of organizational psychology, courage is generally perceived as an individual’s ability to face difficult, uncertain or threatening situations despite feeling fear or anxiety. This may involve challenging the status quo, taking calculated risks, supporting an unpopular position, effectively managing conflict or acting with integrity in the face of opposing pressures.
What are the benefits of valuing courage in the workplace?
Courage in business is essential for promoting innovation and growth.
Employees who have the courage to express new ideas and challenge the status quo contribute to a work environment that values creative thinking and problem-solving.
This can lead to the development of innovative products or services, the improvement of existing processes and the identification of new market opportunities.
In addition, a climate that encourages courage can help attract and retain talent seeking an environment where they can freely express their ideas and take the initiative.
On the other hand, courage plays a key role in a company’s ethics and integrity. Courageous employees are more likely to behave ethically, even in the face of pressures to the contrary.
For example, they may be more inclined to report unethical or illegal behavior, which can help prevent scandals or damage to the company’s reputation.
What’s more, when leaders demonstrate courage, it can inspire trust and respect among employees, strengthen organizational culture and improve employee satisfaction and engagement.
Why is it so difficult to show courage?
Demonstrating courage can be difficult for a number of reasons.
Firstly, courage often involves taking risks, which may mean stepping out of one’s comfort zone, challenging the status quo or taking an unpopular position. This can provoke uncertainty, fear and anxiety. Individuals may fear failure, rejection or negative repercussions, such as job loss, downgrading or ostracism.
Secondly, courage usually involves confronting and managing conflict, whether with colleagues, superiors or even within oneself. Conflicts can be emotionally difficult to handle, and many people prefer to avoid them.
Thirdly, courage requires ethical thinking and decision-making. This can be challenging, especially in situations where there is pressure to act in a way that conflicts with a person’s own values.
Finally, courage requires a strong dose of perseverance and resilience in the face of obstacles and setbacks. It’s not always easy to maintain determination in the face of adversity.
What is a good example of corporate courage?
An example of corporate courage can be found in situations where an employee or leader stands up to denounce unethical or inappropriate practices, despite the personal risk involved.
Take whistle-blowers, for example. These individuals become aware of reprehensible or immoral acts within their company, such as fraud, corruption, harassment or regulatory violations, and decide to report them, often to external authorities. Their action requires great courage, as they expose themselves to reprisals such as dismissal, harassment or discrimination. However, their courage can lead to important and positive changes within the company, and sometimes even within an entire industry.
Another example might be an employee or manager who has the courage to propose new ideas or challenge the status quo. This can be risky, especially in corporate cultures that don’t value debate or dissent, but it’s often from these courageous ideas that innovation and growth are born.
What are the best books to help you be more courageous in business?
There are several books that can help develop courage in business. Here are a few recommendations:
“Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead” by Brené Brown. In this book, Brown explores how vulnerability and courage can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life, including in the professional context.
“The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth” by Amy C. Edmondson. This book explores the concept of psychological safety and explains how it can foster courage and innovation within organizations.
“Find Your Courage: 12 Acts for Becoming Fearless at Work and in Life” by Margie Warrell. This book provides practical strategies for overcoming fear and demonstrating courage in all aspects of life, including work.
“Leading with Courage: Nine Critical Behaviors of Effective Leaders and Managers” by Lee Ellis. Ellis offers practical advice and case studies to help leaders develop courage and encourage the same behavior in their employees.
“Courage: The Backbone of Leadership” by Gus Lee. This book examines the role of courage in leadership and proposes a model for developing moral and ethical courage in organizations.