Develop team momentum with Team Dynamics

The only approach that considers the team as an entity rather as the sum of its individual members.


  • Common language

    Identifying what sets the team apart and where it could improve

  • Actionable

    Definition of an action plan and priorities for progress

  • Engagement

    Strengthening cohesion in a truly collective dynamic

  • Inclusive

    Focuses on the team as a collective rather than on individual members

Based on individual perceptions of the team, the Team Dynamics Report describes the strengths and developmental needs of the team.

Generally, a team is defined as 4 or more people who are dependent on one another to deliver business objectives.

Members of a team share a common goal, common leadership, success, and failure. The objective of this team diagnosis is to reveal strengths and team culture, highlight potential blind spots, and provide insights to implement that will enhance team performance.

Praditus Team Dynamics
model and scientific approach

The report was designed by the Praditus research team and is based on the Team Dynamics Questionnaire. It consists of two factors, six clusters and 24 dimensions (4 dimensions for each cluster); each dimension addresses a different component of team performance.


We are finally a team

For several months, our team was only the sum of its parts. Each member worked in his or her role but did not care about what the others could do or if they needed help. Thanks to Team Dynamics, we were able to identify 3 areas of work and define what it meant to work together.

My role as manager is strengthened

I was able to improve my role as a manager thanks to Team Dynamics. The exercise allowed me to quickly identify, with the other members of the team, work areas on which we all agree. The matrix proposed by Praditus is very complete.

A better team performance

We are a project team with a lot of pressure from our internal customers. We are asked to complete specific tasks within a short time frame and this can create a lot of tension between the different team members. With Praditus Team Dynamics, we were able to overcome these problems and find a way around them.

I finally feel recognized by the team

For a long time I felt that I was always at odds with the other team members. I was always the one who disagreed or had a contrary opinion. The Team Dynamics exercise helped to highlight this lack of alignment and to find solutions to resolve it.

How to create a collective dynamic with Team Dynamics

  1. Launch the program and answer the questionnaire

    You can launch your own Team Dynamics from your Praditus interface or someone from our team can do it for you.
    Each participant receives an invitation and answers a 120-question questionnaire that lasts about 20 minutes.

  2. Share with the team

    A 3-hour workshop to share results is scheduled on the day participants receive the Team Dynamics report. A facilitator (Praditus coach or internal facilitator at your company) ensures that the workshop runs smoothly.
    The participants discuss the development priorities for the team and the differentiating factors.

  3. Discuss the results with the manager

    The facilitator has a discussion with the team manager a few days after the workshop. This allows us to check that the workshop went well and that the manager feels ready to implement the action plan.

  4. Make a development plan

    The Team Dynamics report provides concrete questions to ask so that the team can establish an action and development plan. The facilitator can help the team to monitor the implementation of the action plan.

A new way to see your results

Each dimension is presented through 4 elements:

  • The score for the dimension, which is the average of the ratings given by the team members.
  • The alignment on the dimension, which tells you if there is agreement among the team members on the score.
  • A brief definition of the dimension
  • Open-ended questions, provided to give yourteam “food for thought”: use these questions as appropriate for your team and its context.

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Extended self-knowledge

As a manager,
you can

Use Praditus just like your team members do

Become aware of your strengths, set goals, and embark on a personalized development journey


Have in-depth discussions with team members

about your interactions and how to improve your collaboration


Take the opportunity to discuss your team's dynamics

to improve your ability to collaborate with each other


Act as a coach to your team members

focusing on supporting the progress of your team


Frequently asked questions

Learn how to strengthen
your collective effectiveness