The soft skills dictionary

The definition of key words related to coaching, personality tests, psychometrics or skills development.

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Definition of motivation

Motivation refers to the set of forces, both internal and external, that influence an individual’s behavior and drive him or her to act to achieve specific goals. It is essential for maintaining commitment, perseverance and performance in tasks, whether personal or professional.

Motivation can derive from a variety of factors, such as financial rewards, personal values, the need for recognition or the achievement of a meaningful goal. It is therefore deeply linked to the needs, aspirations and environment of each individual.

The different types of motivation

There are two main categories of motivation, each influencing behavior in a different way:

1. Intrinsic motivation :

  • It comes from within the individual and is fueled by intrinsic pleasure or interest in performing an activity.
  • Example: Being motivated to learn a new skill because it’s exciting or rewarding.

2. Extrinsic motivation:

  • Depends on external factors, such as rewards or pressures.
  • Example: Working hard to earn a bonus or meet a superior’s expectations.

What are the 5 main motivators at work?

There are five main motivating factors at work, identified by numerous studies in organizational psychology and management.

Autonomy is the first essential factor. Employees who have a certain amount of freedom in organizing their work and making decisions generally demonstrate a higher level of commitment. This autonomy enables them to develop a sense of responsibility and control over their missions.

Professional development is the second key factor. Opportunities for learning, training and career development stimulate employee motivation. These prospects enable them to envisage a rewarding professional future within the organization.

Recognition comes third. It can take many forms: verbal congratulations, rewards, promotions or salary increases. Recognition reinforces employees’ sense of personal and professional worth.

The meaning of work is the fourth major factor. Employees are more committed when they understand the impact of their contribution on the company and society. This understanding enables them to identify with the organization’s objectives and find meaning in their daily missions.

Finally, positive professional relationships represent the fifth determining factor. A work environment characterized by collaboration, mutual respect and support among colleagues fosters professional fulfillment and reinforces collective motivation.

These factors are interconnected, and their relative importance may vary according to individual and professional contexts. A balanced approach that takes these different aspects into account can create an environment conducive to sustainable team motivation.

Why is motivation important?

Motivation plays a fundamental role in success, at both individual and organizational levels:

  • Increased productivity: Motivated employees are more committed and efficient in their tasks.
  • Resilience in the face of challenges : Motivation enables people to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of difficulties.
  • Personal satisfaction: Contributes to a sense of accomplishment and well-being at work.
  • Long-term commitment: A motivating environment fosters loyalty and reduces team turnover.

How to stimulate motivation?

Stimulating and maintaining motivation requires a combination of approaches tailored to the needs and preferences of each individual:

  1. Recognize contributions: Highlight efforts and achievements to reinforce a sense of personal worth.
  2. Set clear, achievable goals: Set a clear course and benchmarks against which progress can be measured.
  3. Foster a positive environment: Create a culture of support, inclusion and collaboration.
  4. Provide development opportunities: Offer challenging training and projects to encourage personal and professional growth.
  5. Create a link with personal values: Align missions with what’s important to individuals, such as social impact or innovation.

Theories of motivation

Several theories have attempted to explain what motivates individuals and how these mechanisms can be used:

  • The pyramid of needs (Maslow) : Hierarchizes human needs, ranging from physiological needs to the need for personal fulfillment.
  • Expectancy theory (Vroom): emphasizes the importance of perceived effort, expected results and associated rewards.
  • Self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan): Emphasizes the role of autonomy, competency and relationships in intrinsic motivation.
  • Two-factor theory (Herzberg): Distinguishes between motivating factors (such as recognition) and hygiene factors (such as salary or working conditions).

What should you read to find out more about motivation?

  1. Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Daniel H. Pink: Explores how autonomy, mastery and meaning can transform motivation at work.
  2. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck: Examines the role of mindset in motivation and success.
  3. The One Minute Manager by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson M.D.: Offers simple techniques for motivating and managing effectively.
  4. Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take by Simon Sinek: Explains how a clear, meaningful goal can inspire and motivate teams.
  5. The Progress Principle by Teresa M. Amabile and Steven Kramer: Shows how a sense of daily progress can fuel motivation.

How does Praditus support the development of motivation?

At Praditus, we help individuals and organizations understand and strengthen sources of motivation through :

  1. Psychometric testing: Identifying the motivational drivers specific to each employee, such as their values and aspirations.
  2. Tailor-made coaching: proposing strategies to overcome obstacles to motivation and maximize commitment.
  3. Thematic training: Offer tools to better manage objectives, priorities and sources of stress.

At Praditus, we support transformation and accelerate the development of your talents through customized coaching and training solutions. Through a better understanding of key concepts such as motivation, we help everyone to develop their behavioral competencies (or soft skills) to reveal their potential and progress along their career path.

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